Weirdest Computer Architecture?

Best way to learn robotics with a 10 year old?

I built a Yubikey-based domain controller. Is it sellable?

Why did Commodore have a better Basic line editor than Apple?

What are you using to parse PDFs for RAG?

What Is the SQLite of Queues?

Will peer to peer services overtake centralised corporations?

How did grow so fast?

Is it possible to make FAANG salaries without working there?

Best resources to learn about Search and Information retrieval

How do you predict the AI will evolve in 2, 5, and 10 years?

Is there room for a new email hosting service?

How can I do my research as a GPU poor?

What are your worst pain points when dealing with scientific literature?

How can I oversee an e-com website development?

Strategies to Reduce AI Hallucinations?

Is there a list of grey-hair-friendly IT companies?

How technically complex are social media algorithms?

Hardware engineers – would you rather use a procedural version of labVIEW?

Attention HN: What's the Best Way to Find a Good Dev for Your Startup?

What mesh routers should I recommend to my parents?

Looking for a cheap hosted BI tool like Metabase for my startup

What registrars are in use with startup and big tech domain holdings?

What tools do you recommend for working on Windows?

How to prevent lockout from Google Account in case of phone theft?

Lesser-known/underrated cool new web-oriented tech?

Is an All-in-One Database the Future?

LLM agents for structured data from databases?

What do you use LLMs for?

Employee-owned company vs. Corporate Structure

Is there a way to hack YouTube landing page to see only certain topics?

Why doesn't HN have a dark-theme?

Am I crazy or is Android development awful?

Why is there no email client based on Markdown?