A website dedicated for sharing Movie scenes with Timestamps - scenestamps.com

Any fun ways to learn Emacs?

Wouldn't it be cool to have a Supabase for SQLite?

How to Catch a "Thief"

Any tool for managing large and variable command lines?

16 yo Nephew, in E. Africa, wants to train an LLM with on disk Wikipedia

How to improve PCB prototyping iteration time?

Create embeddings efficiently for an AI notes app with E2EE

What are some words that you learned on Hacker News?

RAG for API Documentation

Best CS refresher material online?

What if AI won't replace anyone – then is it cool?

How do I get better at programming as a hobbyist?

Do you use ChatGPT to generate code? What were your experiences?

Hippocampal GABA enables inhibitory control over unwanted thoughts

Why are there many philanthropists among billionaires

How do I stop political SMS spam?

I want to learn to use the terminal, where do I start

Who are your favorite tech youtubers

Has anyone else stopped playing video games as an adult?

What is your event store of choice for event sourcing

What are some signs to tell if a rewrite is going well or not?

Readyoursicp, Please Contact Me

Here's what an organized Substack / HN plagiarism campaign looks like

What papers/talks/blogs have stayed with you over time?

My SSD keeps failing. Are SSD's reliable long term storage?

Has anyone found a nice cross platform alternative to Authy?